On Track For Success

This dynamic training-program has been designed for people who are preparing for major international violin competitions. In this program you will consult with and be coached (once or twice a week) by Prof. Harutyunian personally.

This is the most advanced training you can get your hands on today.

You will learn all of the specific skills you need to prepare yourself mentally, physically, emotionally and strategically for the violin competition in which you plan to participate. In the majority of cases the results exceed the expectations.

Length of the program “On Track For Success”

The length of your program may vary. We generally recommend 6 to 12 months but it could also be as long or short as needed. However, in our experience, to get tangible results that you (and we too!) can be proud of, you should plan at least 6 to 12 months of serious work.

Get Yourself The Results Beyond Your Own Expectations!
Start Fulfilling Your Most Courageous Dreams TODAY!