“Проф. Грачья Арутюнян – мой коллега по оркестру Берлинской филармонии, с которым мы знакомы с 1993 года. Я также знаю его как прекрасного солиста.

Открытие его Скрипичной Академии я считаю большим достижением в деле развития молодого поколения струнников, а также обогащением музыкального образования Германии в целом.

Его метод, который он предлагает для обучения в стенах своей академии заполняет достаточно большую брешь, возникшую в сегодняшнем музыкальном обучении. Он принесет большую пользу тем скрипачам, которые стремяться к действительно высоким профессиональным целям.

Только талантливые, технически и музыкально продвинутые музыканты имеют шанс удовлетворить запросы и быть принятыми в первоклассные оркестры, требования которых сегодня очень высоки. Метод “Крещендо”, предлагаемый Арутюняном станет огромным подспорьем для достижения подобных целей.”

Гелльмут Штерн

Первый скрипач Берлинского филармонического оркестра, В течение тридцати семи лет - член худ. совета БФО, Автор бестселлера “Seitenspruеnge”

“Prof. Harutyunian is one of the most brilliant people I know. I would highly recommend his Online Violin Academy to any serious person who wants to grow and become a great musician. It will shorten you years of trial and error and endless mistakes, which all musicians in the world go through…”

Dan Flanagan

Violinist, New York, USA

«Грачья Арутюнян первокласный скрипач и музыкант, с которым я работал в течение нескольких лет. Он – замечательный педагог и настоящий артист. Я рекомендую его с большим воодушевлением и уверен, что его Академия станет большой помощью для всех скрипачей.»

Альберто Лизи

Директор международной музыкальной Академии им. Менухина, Швейцарии

«Being able to have onlne lessons with you has been extremely helpful. I really feel like these sessions have been great because they’ve encouraged me to continue playing — it makes me feel like I’ve actually made the biggest progress ever!”

Niclas Koenigs

Violinist, San Antonio, USA

“I really like the online lessons, they are helping me to bring clear sense and perfect structure to my violin playing and I can learn all I need from my home! I’ve never hoped that I might become a professional musician before, but everyday I see how much better I’m getting. My sound is now much more bright and my intonation is really great. My violin playing is getting easier and easier. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!»

Johannes Rostal

Violin Student, Colon, Germany

“Hrachya Harutyunian is a fantastic musician and a philosopher. He is interested in and studies so many things which he then distills down to the most important ideas and concepts that everyone needs to know and to grow as a human and as a musician. Dear Maestro, it’s people like you who change lifes!”

Helena Wondrackova

Violinist, Prague, Czech Republic

“I really like the online lessons, they are helping me to bring clear structure to my violin playing. I’ve never really liked to practice violin before, but now, everyday it seems like I’m getting better and better and I think not more to “go practice” but I enjoy the process. My sound and the intonation have improved within a week and my chord technique is becoming easier and easier…»

Chris Carpenter

Violin Student, New York, USA

«Thank you again for all the help and guidance. It was a wonderful experience being in Germany. I learned tremendously and had a lot of fun at the same time. Your system of working has made the violin much more enjoyable to practice and the results are incredible. I am finding more peace and love towards the violin as I go through the proper work habits and I hope this approach would concentrate my energy and give my playing the right explosion. Thank you for your generous hospitality and looking forward to the next visit.»

Zareh Tcherouyan

Violinist, France/USA

«Грачья Арутюнян – поразительный и интереснейший скрипач и музыкант, который во время своих интенсивных и в высшей степени концентрированных уроков учит своих студентов открытию для себя и работе над широчайшим спектром феноменов мира музыки. Он ставит перед студентами ясные цели и учит посредством нацеленных, последовательных и согласованных упражнений достигать высокой точности, уверенности в своих силах, и подлинной свободы творчества. Благодаря его заразительному энтузиазму, каждый урок превращается в абсолютно удивительное и восхитительное событие.»

Дагмар Хуфельд

1-я Скрипка симфонического оркестра г. Вупперталь, Германия Ассистент Профессора Высшей Музыкальной Школы Кельна

“Hrachya Harutyunian is a very wonderful colleague of mine, an excellent violinist and a great musician. Moreover, I was able to sense his great teaching capability that he had received through his studies with the most renowned pedagogues. We have often performed together as solo-partners and I got to highly appreciate his distinguished way of music making.
I am delighted to recommend him!”

Sir Yehudi Menuhin

“Dear Maestro Harutyunian, Since I am working with you my play has improved so much that I’ve never presumed to believe it is possible. Thank you from bottom of my heart! Your work is first class — in every sense!”

Angelika Schmidt

Concert Violinist, Vienna, Austria

“Dear Maestro, People always are telling you that to play violin really well you have to practice, practice and… Well this program actually gave me the steps and taught me how to get what I really want practicing wisely and how to get best results faster, much faster.
I’ve been at your course just for 5 months now and I can already play Beethoven’s concerto that’s been one of my big dreams. Most importantly, after some years I’m finally making sound come out of that precious Guadagnini violin that I’ve received from my grandfather…”

Catherine Graffman

Violinist, Vienna, Austria

“Whenever I practice, I feel that I was lucky to have had your lessons…
Thank you very much. You helped me a lot…”

Kotoko Adachi

Concert Violinist, Tokyo

“With very precise directions Mr. Harutyunian showed me how to solve the most challenging
passages in a relaxed way, but always focused on the music. Another very important thing for me is that — as a consequence of his approach — I discover new solutions every day.
I strongly recommend his teaching method”.

Hugo Eduardo Tagliavini

Cellist, Buenos-Aires, Argentina

“I thought would try the free lesson offered. Well, I got it and just thought it was absolutely wonderful. I’m 21 years old and I’m finally realizing my dream of learning to play the violin and honestly I’ve never seen anything like it, I feel like I’m really starting to learn something and not just playing again and again but learning with understanding what and why I have to do now and as the next step. That’s really working!»

Beth Grant

Violin Student, Montreal, Canada

“This course is very well thought-out; it’s for beginners and for people who have a lot of experience on the stage. I like Maestro’s teaching style very much because he comes off as a real person who cares and really wants to help us. I think you already know this when you just get your first session with him. I feel blessed for what I have learned through Prof. Harutyunian.”

Yvonne Pajeot

Violin Teacher, Orchestra Violinist, Lyon, France

“I thought I would try the free lesson offered. Well, I got it and just thought it was absolutely wonderful. I’m 21 years old and I’m finally realizing my dream of learning to play the violin really well and honestly I’ve never seen anything like this before. I feel like I’m really starting to learn with a system that has sense and is well structured and not just playing the violin but learning to make music as well…»

Daniela Nastuzzi

Violinist, Toronto, Canada

«Проф. Грачья Арутюнян — это коллега, которого я очень высоко ценю. Мы преподавали вместе несколько раз на мастер-классах и выступали на Фестивалях в Европе. Я был очень впечатлен его умением раскрыть в ученике его максимальные возможности очень простыми, но точными инструкциями. Благодаря его опыту руководящей работы в ведущих оркестрах мира, он является настоящим экспертом в подготовке молодых кадров на конкурсы.
Я желаю Грачья Арутюняну всего наилучшего и рекомендую его Скрипичную Интернет-Академию всем молодым музыкантам, которые ставят перед собой высокие цели профессиональной карьеры.»

Вадим Репин

“Prof. Harutyunian is an amazing musician and teacher. I’ve learned so many things from his highest level of musicianship, his knowledge and, not least, his friendly teaching style. His delivery and the fact that he’s actually teaching us in the same style that he’s playing himself are making me hope that one day I will become a violinist like him!”

Eduardo Clemente

Violinist, Rome, Italy

“Prof. Harutyunian is a fabulous teacher whose attention to detail is both challenging and exhilarating. His culture of violin playing and his ability to transmit that culture is astonishing and inspiring. I`m delighted that I crossed his path. My violin playing has benefited tremendously”

Sally Ann Yeh

Violinist and Pedagogue, Basel/Liestal, Switzerland

“This is a better education than I got in total of 5 years of my University study! I can’t imagine how different my life would have been had I missed this opportunity… I didn’t really get before how shall I approach what I wanted, i.e. to become a great pro. Maestro Harutyunian’s lessons are something you MUST do for yourself if you want to become a serious violinist!”

Alexis Weinbrot

Violinist, Sydney, Australia

«Проф. Грачья Арутюнян – один из лучших скрипачей современности и одновременно потрясающий педагог, что является большой редкостью. То, чему я научился у Маэстро, нигде в другом месте не учат. Он преподает настоящее Знание и развивает Высшее человеческое в личности ученика.
Проф. Арутюнян учит в первую очередь мыслить как музыкант: техника, красота звука, самообладание развиваются равномерно и гармонично в атмосфере потрясающих человеческих взаимоотношений.»

Алексис Теофилакту

Концертмейстер оркестра Афинской Оперы

This is your best chance to work with and to learn from one of the world’s
most sought-after violin pedagogues

You can schedule your first half-hour consulting session with Prof. Harutyunian for FREE!